Saturday, June 9, 2018

Wish List for Power BI

Here are the things I wish were changed about the Power BI and Power Apps suite of services.  I've broken it down by product.  I've included the date I added it to the list and the date it was corrected by the team.

Power BI Desktop
Taskbar Icon:  Added ~ 6/9/2018
When I update Power BI Desktop, it loses the taskbar icon and it turns white.  I'd like the taskbar icon to be preserved even after an update.  This is particularly annoying because of the aggressive update cycle of Power BI Desktop.

Feature parity with Power BI Service and the on-premise Power BI Report Server: Added ~ 6/9/2018
I have to use two different versions of Power BI Desktop, one for the portal and one for PBIRS.  I'd like greater conformity so I only have to use one tool for either deployment target.